25 Intimate Photos of 'Mom Working in the Kitchens' in the 1970s


A submitted photo collection from Flickr members that captured their mothers working in the kitchens in the 1970s.

Mom and grilled chicken, Jan. 1970
Marion in her kitchen, 1970


My mother in the kitchen, 1970


Me with my mom, 1971


Melicent in the kitchen, July 4, 1971


Mom in her new kitchen, Spring 1971


Blue kitchen, mom and aunt, circa 1972


My mom at 38 working in the kitchen, November 1972


Amber's mom, 1973


Mom in the kitchen, 1973


Thanksgiving mom in the kitchen, November 22, 1973


Mom eating crackers in the kitchen, 1974


My mom Desi in the kitchen, University City, 1974


My mom in 1974


6 Dad and mom in our kitchen shortly before going to a Christmas party, Milford, Connecticut, December 1976


Mama in the kitchen. Love those canisters and the old coffee pot. Holly Bank Circle, Dunwoody, GA, 1976


Mom in the kitchen doing her nails, 1977


Dotty, Maynard, MA, 1978


70s Mom in our remodeled kitchen


Mom & dad in kitchen, Beckwith Road, 1978 or 79


Mom in her underwear at the kitchen, 1970s


Mom in the kitchen on Scenic Drive, hanging up the phone, early 70s


My mom & cousin, late 1970s


Pantsuit mom in her kitchen, circa 1970s


'The Kitchen Queen', mom in the kitchen, early 1970s