48 Cool Polaroids That Show Women's Fashion Styles in the Mid-1980s


Born and raised in Southern California, American photographer Peter Duke managed to avoid becoming a Marxist stooge, thanks to his father.

“Photographs are tools of persuasion, and I specialize in making the champions of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness look good.
In 1985, I was a photographer for the May Company department Stores. Here are some polaroids from that period.”

Wendy Rossmeyer and Terri Hafford


Wendy Rossmeyer


Angela Harry


Angela Harry


Angela Harry


Angela Harry


Angela Harry


Bad Shorts


Carol Alt


Caroline Bray


Charlotte Booth, Caroline Bray and Lisanne Falk


Charlotte Booth


Color Roto


Color Roto


Cropped shorts


Deborah Harak


Deborah Harak


Elena Statheros


Elena Statheros


Home Magazine - Color Roto


Jane, art director


Jane, Kelly Troupe and Jeffrey Fetzer


Jeri Dineen - Color Test


Jeri Dinneen


Jeri Dinneen


Jerry Dinneen


Kajsa Ceder talk'n smack about Nick Constantino


Kathy Ireland


Kathy Ireland


Kelle Kutsugaras, Kelly Troupe and Kelly Emberg


Kelle Kutsugaras


Kelle Kutsugarus and Jeffrey Fetzer


Kelly Emberg


Kelly Emberg


Kelly Emberg


Kelly Emberg


Lisa Borges


Lisa Murtha


Lisa Murtha


Lisa Murtha


Michelle Laurita and Joe Rodriguez


Michelle Laurita


Rene Suran


Rene Suran


Stacy Bayne


Terry Hafford Humping the Set


This was a Color Roto


Tony Capella and Carolyn Meltzer