Beautiful Color Photos of a Wedding in the 1950s

The 1950s was a time of prosperity and economic growth. With the Great Depression and WWII behind them, Americans were again looking to get married and start families. This thriving decade saw a surge in population in the United States directly related to increasing birth rates.

Weddings in the previous decades had significantly been rushed due to men heading off to war. It had been a decade of wedding attire and reception menus organized and restricted by food rations and coupons. But with the war over, the ’50s saw the return of extravagant weddings, with all the bells and whistles couples desired for their big day.
With an emphasis on family values and elegance, weddings of this era were full of romance and charm. As couples began to embrace the simplicity and charm of this bygone era, wedding celebrations in the 1950s reflected a sense of optimism and prosperity following the hardships of World War II.
Here below is a beautiful photo collection from Bill Loewy that shows wedding celebration of his parents in the 1950s.

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s


Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s


Wedding in the 1950s


Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s


Wedding in the 1950s


Wedding in the 1950s


Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s


Wedding in the 1950s


Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s

Wedding in the 1950s